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Prodell Students Honor Patriot Day

Students Signing Letters on Patriot Day thumbnail249365
Students Signing Letters on Patriot Day thumbnail249366
Students Signing Letters on Patriot Day thumbnail249367
Prodell Middle School honored the 22nd anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001, with activities throughout the day. Chamber ensemble students, led by Mr. Fred Volz, played patriotic music as students walked into the building, with American flags waving at the entrance. Principal Kevin Vann led a moment of silence.

All middle school students were given the opportunity to take a pledge of service in honor of those that died that day and first responders.

Teachers and students held discussions and reflections throughout the day. Virtual Traveler and STEAM students, led by teachers Corinne Fallon and Michele Vitale, planned and implemented an interdisciplinary activity honoring Patriot Day. Students learned about the connection between the gift of cranes to the United States from Japan and the bond formed through tragedy. Students then created their own paper cranes representing hope and peace.

Date Added: 9/12/2023