A Quail of a Tale!

A Quail of a Tale! thumbnail258346
A Quail of a Tale! thumbnail258347
A Quail of a Tale! thumbnail258348

Wading River School had a very special Mother’s Day surprise with the quail eggs from Mrs. Klefsky and Mrs. Krandis’s classes hatching last night around 9:30 p.m. “Students were incredibly excited to meet them this morning,” Principal Lou Parrinello said. Other classrooms’ eggs should hopefully be hatching this week, students are watching chicks break through their eggs during the day.

“This is a very unique project where all of our fifth-grade classes incubate and hatch quail eggs, Mr. Parrinello said. “After a few weeks of nurturing, we partner with CEED (Center for Environmental Education and Discovery) where they are raised until mid-summer when they are released into our local woods to help reduce the tick population and replenish native quail.”

Date Added: 5/13/2024